Local Attractions
A majestic destination
The Andes are the largest mountain range in South America. Its high peaks are covered with snow during the winter months and high vegetation in summer, which create a majestic environment throughout the year to experience the rich variety of flora and fauna of Chile. From mountaineering and hiking in summer to heli-ski adventures in winter, Noi Puma Lodge is an impressive four-season vacation destination.
El Yeso Lagoon
Located approximately 17 kms (1.30 hrs) from our hotel, and at 2,200 meters above sea level, on a road that passes through the entire river and Las Leñas sector. Upon arrival you will be amazed at the wonderful lagoon, and the color of its water. Not to be confused with El Yeso Reservoir.
National Park Rio Cipreses
Located 31.4 kms (1.03 hrs) from our hotel, crossing the bridge that reaches the town of Chacayes, excursions can be made in this reserve, there are camping sectors, the largest population of Parrots Tricahue in all of Chile is also concentrated, where they can Observe them and see the caves that are their nests.
Sewell was a Chilean mining city, located in the Andes mountain range. It currently belongs to the Machalí commune, and is located 150 km south of Santiago and 64 km from the city of Rancagua. It was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 2006, for its incalculable historical and cultural value for Chile and the world.